If you are going through a separation or contemplating a divorce, we will assist you through the negotiation process and wherever possible, consideration will be given to alternate dispute resolution.
Whether you are buying or selling real estate, Armstrong Kutz Lawyers can assist you minimise risks and ensure your property transaction is as stress-free as possible.
Our team has a strong focus on dispute resolution by negotiation or mediation where appropriate, whilst being sensitive to the stresses on the parties involved in difficult times.
Armstrong Kutz Lawyers are committed to assisting anyone who suffers violent, abusive behaviour and/or threats. We understand the importance of people evaluating whether their relationships are safe and respectful.
We can guide you through all the stages of estate planning to help ensure that your estate is distributed according to your wishes, and efficiently administrated with minimal uncertainty or dispute between your beneficiaries.
Armstrong Kutz Lawyers provides commercial law, business law and risk management advice to small and medium businesses, including start-up enterprises. We can advise on the most appropriate business structure, and prepare complex partnership and shareholder agreements.
Armstrong Kutz Lawyers is a firm dedicated to assisting survivors of institutional child sexual abuse. Each solicitor works tirelessly to act on your behalf to help you access compensation for the injuries you have suffered.
In Queensland, there are three types of documents used to appoint others to make certain decisions on your behalf.
If you have been injured because of the actions or negligence of someone else, then you may be able to make a claim for personal injury compensation. At Armstrong Kutz Lawyers we can help you with any claims for compensation/ damages.
Our debt recovery service is designed to maximise your chances of getting paid. Engaging solicitors often displays to a debtor that you are serious about recovering your money.